SpecialtiesThe documents and resources in this section are provided by the Review Committee for Pediatrics for ACGME-accredited programs and those applying for accreditation.
Program Requirements, FAQs, and Applications
The Program Requirements specify the Core Competencies and other standards of quality and education for each specialty and subspecialty. Note: The Program Requirements below that have (TCC) in the title are tracked changes copies. Tracked changes copies reflect any changes that were made to the Requirements following the last Program Requirement revision.
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) documents help to clarify the Program Requirements.
The Specialty-Specific Applications correspond to these Requirements and are provided for those seeking to apply for a new specialty or subspecialty program. Note: Program applications must be initiated first in the Accreditation Data System (ADS). The Specialty-Specific Applications below must be completed and uploaded into ADS.
For more information on the process to submit a program application, view the Program Application Information web page.