NEW! Reasons to Attend #ACGME2024
Join colleagues from across graduate medical education (GME) at the ACGME’s signature learning event to experience three days of sessions filled with innovation and forward-thinking content!
OPEN TO ALL! Post Job Opportunities on the Annual Educational Conference Job Board!
The conference Job Board is available earlier than ever before, giving recruiters, institutions, and programs the opportunity to post open positions starting now and reach thousands of GME community job seekers before and through the conference! Additionally, the conference will host in-person recruiters and offer career resources for attendees in a dedicated area of the Exhibit Hall.
Email questions to conferencejobboard@acgme.org.
Call for Abstracts: 2024 Annual Educational Conference
Showcase research to more than 4,000 colleagues! The ACGME invites proposals for abstracts for the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference. Members of the GME community are encouraged to use this opportunity to share their innovations and research with their peers. The ACGME particularly encourages medical education outcomes-based research and evaluation.
Email questions to abstracts@acgme.org.
NEW! Full Program Schedule Now Available!
NEW! Letters of Notification and Site Visit Announcement Letter Change
Beginning September 14, 2023, letters will no longer be attached to these emails. These letters will continue to post in ADS, and the email will continue to provide instructions on how to access the letter in ADS. This change is being implemented to increase security and confidentiality.
Email questions or comments to ADSFeedback@acgme.org.
NEW! Remediation Toolkit Available
The course comprises 11 modules covering a range of essential topics related to remediation. These modules will equip educators and administrators with a solid foundation for addressing the needs of struggling learners, implementing effective remediation strategies, and fostering a supportive and conducive learning environment in GME.
The remediation toolkit is part of a suite of materials the ACGME provides to aid in faculty development, including the Improving Assessment Using Direct Observation Toolkit and the Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment Course mentioned in this e-Communication.
Access the course through Learn at ACGME or by going to the ACGME Remediation Toolkit.
NEXT WEEK! Direct Observation Toolkit Webinar
Register here for one of the free webinar sessions:
September 12: 4:15-5:00 p.m. Central
MUA/P The ACGME will hold sessions for GME community members involved in addressing the needs of MUA/Ps (places or communities in which groups of people have unmet health or health care needs).
Join the session Tuesday, September 26 at 3:00 p.m. Central for the second virtual MUA/P interest group session on “Faculty Development for Urban and Rural Programs.”
Additional call dates are October 24; and November 28 at 3:00 p.m. Central.
Complete this registration form to RSVP for the series.
NEW! Block Diagram Assistance for Dermatology Programs
Instructions and an example for construction of a block diagram available in ADS to assist in completing the Annual Update. Review the instructions here; users are required to log into ADS to access the document.NEW! Rural Track Questionnaires Added for Obstetrics and Gynecology Programs
Obstetrics and gynecology residency programs applying for a rural track must now complete a supplemental questionnaire. A questionnaire has been created for new programs applying for ACGME accreditation and requesting Rural Track Program (RTP) designation. A second questionnaire along with supplemental instructions have been made for existing programs that submit a permanent complement increase request to add a rural track within the program and for those pursuing RTP designation.The documents are available under the Documents and Resources tab of the Obstetrics and Gynecology section as well as on the Rural Track Program designation web page on the ACGME website.
Email questions to Executive Director Kathleen Quinn-Leering.
NEW! Case Log Update for Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Reports will reflect some changes to procedure types including the addition of “Temporal artery biopsy.” Additionally, the type “Botox” has been renamed “Injectables.” A list of all procedures tracked in the Case Log is available in ADS (Case Logs > Download/Reports > Tracked Codes).
Register Today! Fall Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment Course Returns to In-Person Format
This course is intended to help participants design and make improvements in their own assessment programs and strive toward achieving the goals of competency-based medical education.
Review and Comment
Chemical Pathology
Forensic Pathology
Medical Microbiology
Pediatric Pathology
Selective Pathology
NEW! Call for New Ideas 2024
Submission deadline: Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 8:00 a.m. Central
Each fall, JGME accepts submissions of New Ideas that briefly describe novel GME interventions or assessments that have been implemented at least once with preliminary evidence of success in terms of outcomes and acceptability.
Visit the official Call for New Ideas for more information.
NEW! Articles of the Week
Steven Allon, MD; Alan Baggett, MD; Benjamin Hayes, MD; Katherine Glosemeyer, MD; Jose Cavo, MD; Rami Pacha, DO; Joanna Zurko, MD; Nidhip Patel, DO; Ryan Kraemer, MD
In this study, residents participated in a 12-month gamified journal club with hourlong competitions in which resident teams competed to answer a clinical prompt by critically appraising an original article of their choice. A chief medical resident or faculty member moderated each session and chose the winning team, which received a nominal prize of candy. The study demonstrates a gamified journal club was associated with improvements in engagement and minimal change in critical appraisal skills.
Residents’ Report of COVID-19 Associated Training Disruptions, Stressors, and Opportunities During the Pandemic—The Singapore Experience
Samuel Ji Quan Koh, MBBS, MRCP; Ting Hui Woon, MS, BSc; Warren Fong, MBBS, MRCP, FAMS; et al.
Surveying SingHealth residents, the authors found that concerns about family’s health and safety pertaining to potential COVID-19 infection, progression in education and training, and completion of examinations were the top three stressors. Despite the challenges, many surveyed thought that experiencing the pandemic provided more meaning in their career.
DEADLINE FRIDAY! ACGME Seeks Institutional Review Committee Members
Email questions to irc@acgme.org.
ACGME Seeks Resident/Fellow Members
Details: Additional information is available underDocuments and Resources in the Allergy and Immunology section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Deneen McCall
Deadline: September 30, 2023
Details: Additional information is available under Documents and Resources in the Psychiatry section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Deneen McCall
Deadline: September 30, 2023
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: October 13, 2023