The ACGME, in partnership with the Docs with Disabilities Initiative (DWDI), is a recipient of the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Catalyst Award for Transformation in Graduate Medical Education for their project, Multimedia Resource Hub for Disability Inclusion in Graduate Medical Education.
Read a summary of some events and activities being offered at #ACGME2024 to give attendees opportunities to volunteer, relax, replenish, and even compete!
Opportunities to find or elevate your Meaning in Medicine are also available outside of sessions at #ACGME2024, including in the Exhibit Hall.
The ACGME has announced its Request for Grant Proposals for the 2024-2026 cycle of Back to Bedside, an initiative designed to empower residents and fellows to lead and develop transformative and innovative projects to foster meaning and joy in their work and increase connection with their patients.
The ACGME and Intealth collaborated on a successful physician well-being seminar in Chicago this past weekend, addressing the unique needs of foreign national physicians in US graduate medical education programs.
This post highlights opportunities to connect with ACGME staff members at the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.
One year after the launch of the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) invited health organizations and stakeholders to join an inaugural cohort of Change Makers.
In this post, we explore the ACGME’s well-being efforts, including their impact on the GME community.
In a strong show of support to engage with the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) has released a series of videos emphasizing the critical importance of the National Plan.
This week's e-Communication includes Special-Specific Program Requirements available for Review and Comment; information on next week's well-being event for program directors; and resident and fellow Review Committee Member openings with terms beginning July 1, 2024.