Annual Educational Conference Job Board
Recruiters, institutions, and programs can post open positions and reach thousands of graduate medical education (GME) community job seekers before and throughout the conference. At the conference, a dedicated area of the Exhibit Hall will have in-person recruiters and career resources.
Learn More about the Job Board
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TOMORROW! Direct Observation Toolkit Online Workshop
Explore the ACGME’s new Improving Assessment Using Direct Observation Toolkit with ACGME experts and toolkit authors. Two free workshops will be held in December and February to walk participants through the materials.
Register for One of the Following Sessions
Tuesday, December 19: 10:00-11:30 a.m. Central
Monday, February 12: 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Central
Participants will:
- Learn and discuss the importance of direct observation and feedback in competency-based medical education
- Practice using a framework to improve their ability to make high-quality observations of residents
- Understand how to use the online toolkit
- Earn up to 1.5 units of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM
The toolkit offers faculty development curricula for institutions that can be adapted to local needs and provides individual faculty members with techniques that will help them become better educators. It is available at no cost to the GME community through the ACGME’s online learning portal, Learn at ACGME.
NEW! Non-Standard Training (NST) Program Office Hours
Director, Sponsoring Institutions Katharina Wang and Vice President, Sponsoring Institutions Paul Foster Johnson will host office hours to answer questions about Recognition of Sponsoring Institutions with NST Programs for physicians with J-1 visas. No registration is required. Office hours will take place on:
January 23, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Central
February 5, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Central
Click Here to Participate
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DEADLINE APPROACHING! Program Director Feedback Request: Rural Data Enhancement (RDE) Project
The ACGME initiated the RDE project to improve the accessibility, accuracy, and reliability of ACGME location data and to identify rural and underserved GME experiences. As part of this project, the ACGME seeks specialty program director input about tracks within ACGME-accredited programs.
Use the link below to provide input. The form will close Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
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Back to Bedside: Funding Available for Resident- and Fellow-Driven Projects!
The ACGME's Back to Bedside initiative is designed to empower residents and fellows to develop transformative projects that foster meaning and joy in work and allow them to engage on a deeper level with what is at the heart of medicine: their patients.
This initiative supports resident- and fellow-directed innovations. Awardees participate in Learning Collaboratives throughout the funding period to workshop and refine their projects and develop leadership skills. The work is shared on a national platform in a variety of ways.
This Back to Bedside funding cycle offers two options for applicants to consider: Open Innovation proposals and Project in a Box - Focused Innovation proposals.
- The Open Innovation option is intended to provide flexibility for novel proposals.
- The Project in a Box - Focused Innovation option offers residents and fellows from all specialties a successful project example to use as inspiration for further innovation.
Proposals are due by April 22, 2024.
Help spread the word! Email or post this flyer to share with residents and fellows.
NEW! Submit Input for Major Revision of Program Requirements for Geriatric Medicine
The Review Committee for Internal Medicine is preparing for a major revision of the multidisciplinary Program Requirements for the subspecialty of geriatric medicine (internal medicine and family medicine). In particular, the committee invites comments related to specific requirements or topics that should be addressed as the revised Requirements are developed.
Submit comments to byThursday, January 18, 2024.
Note: Changes to the ACGME Common Program Requirements are not within the purview of the Review Committee and, therefore, comments related to Common Program Requirements, indicated by bold font in the Requirements document, should not be submitted and will not be considered.
DEADLINE APPROACHING! Shaping GME: Call for Comments
The following writing group requests feedback. The scenario-based planning summary of themes and insights is posted for review and comment here. Submit comments using the electronic review and comment form.
Deadline: January 3, 2024
Every 10 years, Review Committees are required to review their specialty Program Requirements to determine necessary revisions. The ACGME Board of Directors has approved a new process for all such major revisions going forward.
The process convenes specialty-specific writing groups, who, along with members of the specialty community and leaders from other specialties and related fields, rigorously and creatively consider what the specialty will look like in the future (recognizing that the future is marked with significant uncertainty). Out of this process, writing groups draft and propose revisions to the Program Requirements that will prepare the learners for current practice and generations to come.
Changes to Temporary Complement Increase Requests for Less than 90 Days
To reduce burden for the GME community and better align with the Institutional Requirements related to leaves of absence, Review Committees will allow extensions of education up to 90 days without requiring formal submission of a temporary complement increase request. This change applies to all specialty/subspecialty programs except one-year programs, and is now in effect. Requests for temporary changes in complement longer than 90 days are still required and must be approved by the designated institutional official prior to being submitted in ADS for Review Committee consideration.
Instructions have been updated in ADS in the “Complement Change Request” section to alert users of the change; guidance in the Guide to the Common Program Requirements (Residency) for III.B., Resident Complement, also reflects the change. Review Committees are updating guidance on this process in specialty-specific documents, which will be available on the Documents and Resources tab of the respective specialty section of the website and announced via this e-Communication.
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Director of Osteopathic Education ADS Login Credentials
To improve security and confidentiality, the ACGME no longer attaches Letters of Notification and Site Visit Announcement Letters to their respective email communications. New and existing Directors of Osteopathic Education must maintain their own ADS login credentials both to review these letters and ensure the accuracy of Osteopathic Recognition information in ADS.
Instructions for granting Directors of Osteopathic Education access to ADS are on p.5 of the Osteopathic Recognition Application Instructions document available on the Osteopathic Recognition page of the ACGME website.
Email questions to Accreditation Administrator Brandon Beard.
NEW! Journal of Graduate Medical Education Articles of the Week
The Financial Relationship Between the Medical Industry and Residency Leadership in OB/GYN and Urology
Iris Burgard, DO; Laura Palmere, MD; Paulina Altshuler, DO; Shilpa Tummala, BS; Tyler Muffly, MD
Industry payments to physicians exceed millions of dollars, potentially influencing physicians and impacting learners. While the ACGME requires Sponsoring Institutions to have policies addressing interactions between vendor representatives/corporations and learners, there is little recent data on industry money accepted by program directors and department chairs. This study examines the magnitude of such payments in the specialties of urology and obstetrics and gynecology, including the factors associated with higher payments.
Incorporating Community Member Perspectives to Inform a Resident Health Equity Curriculum
Cara Lichtenstein, MD, MPH; Melissa Baiyewu, MHA; Priti Bhansali, MD, MEd
The ACGME’s Clinical Learning Environment Review Program has found that health care disparities education is often ad hoc and does not always address the specific populations served by the institution. This qualitative study sought perspectives from local community members and leaders from local agencies to explore what residents should learn in a health equity curriculum.
Impact of Opt-Out Therapy Appointments on Resident Physician’s Mental Health, Well-Being, Stigma, and Willingness to Engage
Taylor Kevern, PhD, MSW, MEd; D. Rob Davies, PhD; Katie Stiel, LCSW, MEd; Sonja Raaum, MD, FACP
In Academic Year 2020-2021, residents in eight programs at a large academic hospital were offered free, single, opt-out mental health appointments from hospital-funded wellness staff members. This study explores how such opt-out appointments can increase mental health service use, demonstrate an institution's value of wellness, and decrease mental illness stigma.
REGISTRATION OPEN! Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents 2024 Dates Announced
The Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents is designed to provide a transitional experience into the role of chief resident. The program introduces leadership concepts to enhance individual effectiveness in a leadership role.
The program is three full days and is open to chief residents from all medical and surgical specialties.
Eight sessions will be offered in 2024:
- March 25-27, Chicago, Illinois
- April 8-10, Redondo Beach, California
- April 11-13, Redondo Beach, California
- April 29-May 1, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- May 6-8, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- May 9-11, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- June 13-15, Chicago, Illinois
- June 18-20, Chicago, Illinois
Email questions to Manager, Well-Being Initiatives Bethanie Alden.
Career Opportunities
The ACGME is always interested in finding talented, dedicated individuals to join the organization and support its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.