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October 9, 2023

October 9, 2023

Networking Spotlight: Mentor/Mentee Program

One of the great benefits of attending the Annual Educational Conference is the chance to connect with other members of the graduate medical education (GME) community from all over the world. Take it a step further and find a mentor and/or mentee at the conference!

Pick up a “Happy to Be Your Mentor” or “Will You Be My Mentor?” badge ribbon at Registration. The ACGME will provide areas for mentors and mentees to convene in the Career Resources Area.

View All Networking Opportunities

Sign up to be notified when registration opens

OPEN TO ALL! Post Job Opportunities on the Annual Educational Conference Job Board

The conference Job Board is available earlier than ever before, giving recruiters, institutions, and programs the opportunity to post open positions starting now and reach thousands of GME community job seekers before and through the conference! Additionally, the conference will host in-person recruiters and offer career resources for attendees in a dedicated area of the Exhibit Hall.

View Current Listings

Learn More about the Annual Educational Conference Job Board

Email questions to conferencejobboard@acgme.org.

TUESDAY! National Health Equity Grand Rounds

The fourth National Health Equity Grand Rounds event will be held on Tuesday, October 10 from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Central.

Speakers will invite participants to re-evaluate how to think about data on race and ethnicity, delving deep into the ways race data impact institutions and health care systems, shape priorities, and determine how resources reach the communities they serve.

Learn More and Register

Developed by the ACGME, American Medical Association (AMA), National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, and RespectAbility, the National Health Equity Grand Rounds is a series of presentations by national leaders and experts on content designed to promote conversation and collaborative work toward a healthier future for all.

The event is free - register now. Additionally, CME credit will be offered at no cost to attendees. This activity has been approved for 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.

NEW! Data Resource Book 2022-2023 Now Available

The ACGME is pleased to announce the publication of the 2022-2023 ACGME Data Resource Book, the most comprehensive and reliable resource of its kind, including data on the size, scope, and distribution of GME in the US. This edition covers the time period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023 and can be found on the ACGME website.

The tables and figures in this year's edition include these sections: Program Accreditation; Program Characteristics; Resident Characteristics; Graduating Residents and Residents Leaving Prior to Completion; Sponsoring Institutions; Participating Sites; Program Directors and Faculty; and Program Activities.

*Note: In the Data Resource Book, the term “residents" refers to both residents and fellows for data reporting purposes.

NEW! A Look Back at the Year with the 2022-2023 ACGME Annual Report

The 2022-2023 ACGME Annual Report is now available on the ACGME website. Themed Convening Anew, this year’s Annual Report highlights the dedication of the ACGME’s employees and volunteers during the last academic year, and particularly on opportunities to collaborate and improve operations, requirements, and resources to enhance and ensure the future of GME. In an ever-changing society with evolving medical education and medical care needs, the ACGME continues to support the GME community, with a keen focus on its commitment to its Mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians’ education through advancements in accreditation and education.

Direct Observation Toolkit Workshop

Explore the ACGME’s new Improving Assessment Using Direct Observation Toolkit with ACGME experts and toolkit authors. The toolkit offers faculty development curricula for institutions that can be adapted to local needs and provides individual faculty members with techniques that will help them become better educators. The toolkit is available at no cost to the GME community through the ACGME’s online learning portal, Learn at ACGME.

Register now for a free workshop and improve the frequency and quality of your direct observation of learners with patients. Participants will:

  • Learn and discuss the importance of direct observation and feedback in competency-based medical education
  • Practice using a framework to improve their ability to make high-quality observations of residents
  • Understand how to use the online toolkit
  • Earn up to 1.5 units of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM

Workshop Session Dates/Times

  • Monday, October 30: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Central
  • Tuesday, December 19: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Central
  • Monday, February 12: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Central

Submit CLER Blackout Weeks by October 26, 2023

The window for submitting CLER visit blackout weeks is now open through October 26, 2023 for blocking off dates in the period highlighted below. Sponsoring Institutions can submit up to four blackout weeks during this period.

Upcoming Windows for Entering Blackout Weeks

  • October 1-26: Submit requests for January-March 2024
  • January 1-26: Submit requests for April-June 2024
  • April 1-26: Submit requests for July-September 2024 
  • July 1-26: Submit requests for October-December 2024  

To enter blackout dates in the Accreditation Data System (ADS), click here. Review more information and common questions/answers regarding CLER blackout weeks here.

Email questions to CLER@acgme.org.

Coordinator Advisory Group Web Page Updated 

With deep appreciation, the ACGME extends its gratitude to the 2019-2023 Coordinator Advisory Group members for their exemplary service.

The ACGME is pleased to introduce and welcome the 2023-2026 Coordinator Advisory Group members. See the new member listing on the Coordinator Advisory Group web page, which includes additional information about the group, as well as details on the member nomination process for future cohorts.

Email questions to coordadvgroup@acgme.org.

MUA/P Interest Group Sessions

The ACGME will hold sessions for GME community members involved in addressing the needs of MUA/Ps (places or communities in which groups of people have unmet health or health care needs).

The aim of these interest group sessions is for the community to learn about efforts in GME and MUA/P, to solve for common challenges, and to share helpful knowledge and resources.

Call dates are October 24 and November 28 at 3:00 p.m. Central. Complete this registration form to RSVP for the series.

Join the online MUA/P and GME discussion forum and view recordings from past MUA/P interest group sessions in the MUA/P and GME Resource Center.

Milestones Mid-Year Reporting Will Open October 30, 2023

The reporting window will be open Monday, October 30, 2023 through Friday, January 12, 2024. Milestones assessments can be submitted via the ADS at any point during this time. FAQs can be found on the ACGME website.

Email technical questions to ADS@acgme.org.

Email content questions to milestones@acgme.org.

NEW! Review Committee Chair to Present at #AAO2023

Dr. Laura Green, chair of the Review Committee for Ophthalmology will present a session at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 4, 2023, from 3:45-5:00 p.m. Pacific about the upcoming major revision of the Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Ophthalmology. Dr. Green will provide updates and facilitate an interactive discussion about the ophthalmologist of the future.

Session Details
Title: Shaping GME: The Future of Ophthalmology
Session Code: SPE03
Speaker: Dr. Laura Green, Chair of the ACGME Review Committee for Ophthalmology

Learn more about the AAO Meeting, including Registration Details

NEW! International Rotation Guidelines Update for Urology

An update to the document, International Rotation Guidelines for Urology, is available under the Documents and Resources tab of the Urology page of the ACGME website, including important changes regarding counting cases during international rotations.

Email questions to Associate Executive Director Emma Breibart-White.

Hand Surgery Case Log Mapping Update

The Review Committees for Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, and Surgery provided an update to the Case Log mapping for hand surgery. 
The Hand Surgery Mapping Update is posted on the Documents and Resources page on the respective specialties' sections of the ACGME website.

Contact the executive director of the applicable Review Committee (Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, or Surgery) with questions or concerns.

Major Revision of Program Requirements for Neurology and Child Neurology Subspecialties Coming Soon

The Review Committee for Neurology is preparing to begin a major
revision of the Program Requirements for the subspecialties of clinical neurophysiology, epilepsy, neurodevelopmental disabilities, neuromuscular medicine, and vascular neurology and invites comments related to specific requirements or topics that should be addressed as the revisions are developed. In particular, the Review Committee invites comments related to what the respective subspecialties will look like in the future, and the competencies, resources, and personnel necessary to create physicians who will practice in the subspecialty. Comments should be submitted to Neurology-reviews@acgme.org by Tuesday, October 24, 2023.

Changes to the ACGME Common Program Requirements are not within the purview of the Review Committee and, therefore, comments related to Common Program Requirements, indicated by bold font in the Requirements documents, should not be submitted and will not be considered.

DEADLINE FRIDAY! The ACGME Seeks a Resident Member

The following Review Committee seek nominations for its next resident member. Nominees must be enrolled in an ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship program at the time of the appointment and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of that residency or fellowship. The Review Committees will forward their selections to the ACGME Board of Directors for approval. Terms begin July 1, 2024 and end June 30, 2026.

Details: The resident member must have a minimum of one year of residency education remaining after July 1, 2024. Additional information is available under Documents and Resources in the Nuclear Medicine section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: October 13, 2023

The ACGME Seeks a Public Member

The following Review Committee seeks its next public member for a six-year term beginning July 1, 2024. Public members share the perspective of the public, foster public accountability, enrich the work of the Review Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency. While nominees cannot be physicians, other health care professionals are permitted if they are not employed by an organization with ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship programs.

Details: Additional information is available under the Documents and Resources tab on the Nuclear Medicine page of the ACGME website.
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: December 15, 2023

NEW! Journal of Graduate Medical Education Articles of the Week

Interstitial Skills: Preparing Trainees for All Aspects of Clinical Practice
Avraham Z. Cooper, MD; Charlotte Gamble, MD, MPH; Thomas Cooney, MD; Jonathan S. Ilgen, MD, PhD
While supervised workplace experiences give residents and fellows an authentic sense of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary for professional practice, many of the skills inherent to daily physician work remain underexplored or underemphasized in GME. This editorial suggests the concept of interstitial skills (encompassing skills that reflect workplace operations and communications) represents a useful lens when examining the efficacy of their curricula.

A Graduate Medical Orientation Intervention Focused on Local Health Inequities
Emily Caldarelli, EdD; Jennifer J. Hess, MD; Eleanor Weaver, MD; Ryan Buckley, MD; Rebecca R. Swan, MD; Julie Schumacher, PhD; Sophia Kostelanetz, MD, MPH; Mario A. Davidson, PhD, MS, MAS, MA; Megan Whitey, C-TAGME; Reena Black, MBA, C-TAGME; Kyla P. Terhune, MD, MBA
A novel health equity orientation curriculum for incoming medical and surgical residents demonstrated feasibility and acceptability, along with preliminary self-reported improvements in areas related to health equity. The curriculum aimed to prepare residents for delivering equitable care to their local patient population by introducing them to structural inequities and social determinants of health.

NEW! Hot Topics in MedEd Podcast

Kathleen Rowland, MD, MS and Lauren Anderson, PhD, MEd share their study of effective Clinical Competency Committees, which was conducted as part of the 2022 Council of Academic Family Medicine Educational Research Alliance survey of family medicine residency program directors. They offer practical and actionable advice on creating formal policies, developing faculty members, focusing on all residents (not just those who may be struggling), and more.

Read the accompanying article: Features of Effective Clinical Competency Committees

Career Opportunities

The ACGME is always interested in finding talented, dedicated individuals to join the organization and support its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.

View Open Positions