
April 13, 2020

This special edition of the ACGME's weekly e-Communication includes a statement on resident/fellow furloughs and a new Frequently Asked Question regarding accreditation and recognition activities during the pandemic crisis.
April 2020

A Letter to the Medical Community from Dr. Thomas J. Nasca

ACGME President and Chief Executive Officer Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP addresses those working in the medical profession in acknowledgement of National Doctors' Day 2020.

The frontlines.

Cartoon by Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Constitution-Journal. www.ajc.com

The Impact of Adverse Events on Physicians and Residents

In her recent Baldwin Seminar presentation, The Impact of Adverse Events on Physicians and Residents: What Do Ethical Principles Say About Self-Care and Care of Colleagues, Dr. Joan Anzia explored psychological and physiological effects of adverse events on physicians, and what programs can do to help physicians.

March 2020
Joan Anzia, MD

#ACGME2020 Day 2 Recap

The 2020 Annual Educational Conference wrapped up with an enriching and inspiring day of sessions.

February 2020

ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca MD, MACP Interviewed by WENY News about Physician Well-Being

WENY News spoke with ACGME President and CEO Dr. Thomas J. Nasca on the importance of well-being for physicians after he spoke to Arnot Health Graduate Medical Education Program and Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) medical residents.

February 2020

#ACGME2020 Plenaries Preview: Sessions 001-004

Four major plenaries after Friday morning’s address by ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD will be presented by outstanding national leaders, and will discuss critical issues at the forefront of the GME discussion right now.

January 2020

Partners in Prevention: Strengthening Our Relationship with Hope For The Day

The ACGME has been working with Chicago-based Hope For The Day for over a year, and we are thrilled to announce the ACGME is now a Hope For The Day Partner in Prevention, actively working towards mental health education and proactive suicide prevention.

December 2019
As part of its commitment to staff and community well-being, the ACGME is partnering with Hope For The Day, a Chicago-based non-profit organization dedicated to mental health support and suicide prevention.

ACGME Launches AWARE Well-Being Resources

The ACGME has released resources specifically designed for residents, faculty members, and graduate medical education (GME) programs and institutions to promote well-being, mitigate the effects of stress, and prevent burnout.
December 2019

ACGME Deepening its Commitment to Physician Well-Being, Leader Says

MDedge interviewed the ACGME's chief of staff and chief education and organizational development officer, Timothy P. Brigham, MDiv, PhD, about the organization's commitment to well-being during the American Academy of Pediatrics' annual meeting.

November 2019