Dr. Nasca joined UNMC and UNO Chancellor Dr. Jeffrey P. Gold on RFD-TV’s Rural Health Matters to discuss the pandemic’s effects on rural America, graduate medical education, physician well-being, the current state of the US health care system, and more.
The report, Documenting a Day of Discussion: Ahead of the Crest of the Wave Creating the National Agenda for Systemic Change for Enhanced Clinician Well-Being, is now available for review in Learn at ACGME.
Drs. Lyuba Konopasek, Stuart Slavin, and Timothy Brigham walked participants through the ACGME-developed guidebook, “Well-Being in the Time of COVID-19,” and explored how the ideas within it could be implemented in graduate medical education in their 2021 ACGME Annual Educational Conference session.
On Friday, February 26, ACGME Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion leadership, Drs. William McDade and Bonnie Simpson Mason, joined California University of Science and Medicine Senior Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Partnership Dr. Sunny Nakae to presented about how to work to reverse institutional trends of racism in medical education.
2021 David C. Leach Awardee Matthew Robert "Robbie" Martin, MD is an instructor fellow who focuses on evidence-based provider well-being promotion at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He specializes in family medicine.
This weeks e-Communication announces the inaugural recipients of the Diversity and Inclusion Award, information on the Annual Educational Conference virtual platform, an invitation to nominate colleagues for the 2022 ACGME Awards, and Review Committee news.
The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience (Clinician Well-Being Collaborative) is announcing a two-year extension of its work to address burnout faced by healthcare workers. The ACGME is proud to co-chair the Action Collaborative, a network of more than 200 organizations committed to the cause.
This week's e-Communication includes an update from the Physician Coalition for Accountability, a sneak peek of the Annual Educational Conference's virtual platform, an invitation to nominate colleagues for the 2022 ACGME Awards, and more.
This week's e-Communication includes information on the Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys, updated Milestones that go into effect July 1, 2021, Review and Comment for program requirements, the Annual Educational Conference, and more.