The ACGME has named Dr. Pilar Ortega as Vice President, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Dr. Ortega will support efforts to address harassment, discrimination, and other forms of mistreatment in the graduate medical education (GME) learning environment; improve retention and well-being for diverse resident and fellow physicians; and disseminate information on diversity, equity, and inclusion activities to the GME community.
The ACGME convened the members of the first ACGME Equity MattersTM Learning Communities last week in Chicago to celebrate the completion of their engagement cycle and share projects developed from the initiative.
The ACGME is pleased to present the CLER National Report of Findings 2022: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on the Clinical Learning Environment. The ACGME’s Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program provides formative feedback through site visits that explore six Focus Areas.
The ACGME has developed a process to allow accredited programs to request Program Emergency Categorization when planned resident/fellow experiences are disrupted due to a local epidemic/pandemic surge.
The ACGME is excited to announce the new Equity Practice Toolkit, supported in part by a Josiah Macy Jr National Foundation President's Grant. It can be found in the ACGME’s online learning portal, Learn at ACGME, along with the ACGME Equity Matters CME Learning Path and Video Library.
Residents, program directors, coordinators, and designated institutional officials are invited to hear and discuss provocative and inspiring stories of diversity, equity, inclusion, activism, and social justice from winners of the prestigious Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare.
The final discussion forum to help create a common set of foundational competencies for use in undergraduate medical education programs in the US will be held December 6.
At its September 2022 annual meeting, the ACGME Board of Directors approved new officers: Claudia J. Wyatt-Johnson, MA, George E. Thibault, MD, H. Roger Hadley, MD.
The ACGME has released its 2021-2022 Data Resource Book, the most comprehensive and reliable resource of its kind, including data on the size, scope, and distribution of graduate medical education (GME) in the US.
Recognizing that the function of the US health system is at stake due to dangerously mounting health care system pressures, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM)’s National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being calls for immediate action to safeguard this precious national resource dedicated to protecting the nation’s health.