After Three Years of Change, the Journal of Graduate Medical Education Returns in Person to #ACGME2023
Many of us are excited and looking forward to seeing each other in person at the 2023 ACGME Annual Educational Conference for the first time in three years, and the Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) is no exception. Since editors and staff members last came together for this event in 2020, JGME has seen tremendous growth and has evolved quickly to meet challenges, crises, and an ever-changing publishing landscape. These changes will be readily seen at the Annual Educational Conference, coming up in just a few weeks.
What’s New with JGME
The most significant change in the past three years, thanks to support from the ACGME, was a shift from a partial subscription paywall to being completely open access, allowing anyone to view current and past articles free of charge and opening JGME to a vastly wider audience. Another change was the launch of JGME’s podcast, Hot Topics in MedEd, which has grown to 250 subscribers and more than 10,000 downloads since it began. JGME has also undergone a complete redesign of its website, experienced exponential growth in social media followers, and built an online reach that has connected the journal with learning communities all over the world. Finally, the JGME Editorial Board has expanded to include new resident visual media editors to help meet the challenges of this fast-moving evolution in medical education.
A Presence in the ACGME Hub
This year in Nashville, JGME will move from the broader Exhibit Hall to the ACGME Hub within the hall. Editors and staff members will greet old friends and colleagues, meet new ones, and most importantly, share the journal’s range of new developments with the graduate medical education community. Aside from the opportunity to pick up print journal copies, popular article reprints, and JGME pens (everyone loves swag!), a visit to the Hub can be the beginning of an ongoing relationship with the journal. The journal’s space in the ACGME Hub will include ways to ensure any conversation can continue online, and that any article taken can lead to more engagement with the journal later. Displays of QR codes will take attendees directly to the journal’s social media, website, and podcast, as well as the opportunity to sign up for the journal’s e-Table of Contents emails. And, of course, editors and staff members will be available to answer any questions.
Educational Sessions
JGME is also excited to present two workshops that are sure to be a draw for educators, scholars, and potential authors:
Zap! Pow! Bam! Visual Media for Teaching and Medical Education Scholarship
The expression “a picture is worth a thousand words” holds true for medical education. Visual abstracts, infographics, and other visual media can be used to teach a topic, prime learners before a session, support recall after a session, or expand dissemination through social media. This session will introduce several useful steps, frameworks, and resources for designing visual abstracts and adding this work as scholarship to participants’ education or promotion portfolios. Attendees will have a chance to participate using laptops or tablets at the session. (Friday, February 24, 1:30-2:45 p.m.)
Grabbing the Reviewer’s/Reader’s Interest to Boost Journal Submission Success
Medical educators typically become animated and effusive as they share their innovations and research when asked. Yet, when written, their persuasive oral story may become hard to follow, disjointed, or appear similar to previous work—often resulting in a rejection letter. Writing an article to retain the power of the oral story is an essential element of submission success. During this interactive, hands-on workshop, participants will review an innovation project abstract to identify writing principles that grab the reader’s interest, then apply those principles to their own projects in small groups. (Friday, February 24, 3:15-4:30 p.m.)
While online conference registration has now closed, on-site registration will be available in Nashville if you’re still looking to attend. Learn more on the conference website, and JGME can’t wait to see you in just a few short weeks!