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ACGME Joins Other Health Organizations to Advance Health Workforce Well-Being through NAM Change Maker Campaign

October 3, 2023

One year after the launch of the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) invited health organizations and stakeholders to join an inaugural cohort of Change Makers. This initiative reaffirms the ACGME’s commitment to institutionalizing health care worker well-being as a principal value, a call to action echoed in the National Plan. This new initiative is the latest effort to address physician well-being by the NAM Action Collaborative for Clinician Well-Being and Resilience, of which the ACGME is a proud member and for which ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP serves as co-chair.

NAM’s Change Maker Campaign serves as a dynamic platform for sharing information and fostering collaboration among ongoing initiatives. It seeks to document the impact of these initiatives and amplify effective solutions to common challenges. Change Maker organizations will receive annual recognition through a prestigious badge, publicly displayed on their websites and materials. Their contributions will be instrumental in identifying successes, addressing challenges, measuring progress, and inspiring nationwide support for health worker well-being.

The ACGME strongly supports this national movement to champion health worker well-being and promote systems-level changes. The well-being of the health care workforce is inextricably linked to the safety, quality, and sustainability of the health care system. These collective efforts will help to ensure a brighter future for health professionals, patients, and communities.

Visit the NAM website to learn more about what it means to be a Change Maker. The ACGME first joined the Action Collaborative in 2016 and extended its work in 2021.