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A Message from Dr. Thomas J. Nasca During National Volunteer Week

April 18, 2022

Dear Graduate Medical Education Colleagues and ACGME Volunteers, 

On behalf of the ACGME, I would like to take a moment during National Volunteer Week to thank the more than 700 volunteers who donate their time, energy, and expertise to the ACGME and who are essential to carrying out our Mission of assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians’ education.  

The pandemic has moved collaboration among volunteers, partners, employees, and members of the community largely online. However, as the country begins to emerge from the deep fog of the pandemic, I look forward to the revival of in-person meetings with great anticipation. As a convener of graduate medical education (GME) experts, we are excited to welcome back volunteers from around the nation to the ACGME office in downtown Chicago after a long pause on traveling.

Volunteers participate in all aspects of the ACGME’s work, from reviewing and assessing programs to developing requirements to governance to guidelines, and more. Their 70,000+ hours of work annually are vital to our service commitment to society, and their altruistic behavior, particularly over the last two years, is to be commended.

When volunteers signed on to contribute to the ACGME—as Review or Recognition Committee members, Board members, Milestones Work Group participants, and in the other many roles in which the ACGME relies on their expertise, none of us foresaw what 2020 and 2021 would bring. And yet, everyone remained dedicated to the work. ACGME volunteers are critical to ensuring the health and safety of residents, fellows, and their patients.

For any of you interested in volunteering, there are numerous opportunities to contribute. Join our committees, task forces, or work groups and share your expertise. Openings for positions are announced through various channels, including LinkedIn and Twitter, and the weekly e-Communication. 

As we know, the pandemic has not fully subsided, so please continue to stay safe and well as we look to slowly reopen and bring the GME community and our inspiring volunteers back together to improve health care and population health.


Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP 
President and Chief Executive Officer 
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)