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Resources from GME Stakeholders Congress for Opioid Use Now Available

April 5, 2021

The videos and resources from last week’s GME Stakeholders Congress on Preparing Residents and Fellows to Manage Pain and Addiction are now available to the public free of charge. To access, sign up for a Learn at ACGME account or log into an existing account to view the content.

The GME Stakeholders Congress brought together experts from across the medical education spectrum March 30-31, 2021 to discuss training and resources to effectively treat opioid use disorder, including behavioral techniques and medication-based therapy. This assembly supports the ACGME’s mission to support proper and equitable physician training and the requirement that all programs “provide instruction and experience in pain management if applicable for the specialty including recognition of the signs of addiction.” (Common Program Requirement IV.C.2.)

Included in the videos online are the two keynotes from the event. Travis Rieder, PhD, Assistant Director for Education Initiatives, Berman Institute of Bioethics talked about his journey through opioid addiction after a terrible motorcycle accident in his keynote, “What One Patient’s Experience With Opioids Can Teach Us About Responsible Pain Medicine.”  Daniel P. Alford, MD, MPH, FACP, FDASAM, Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine discussed opioid prevalence, treatment gaps, physician resources and more in his keynote, “Treating Addiction: Recognizing and Addressing Gaps in Clinical Care.”

The videos and resources available in Learn will be used to support programs in implementing Common Program Requirement IV.C.2 by defining general and specialty-specific elements of a foundational curriculum for the recognition and treatment of pain and addiction. Attendees included representatives from specialty societies and certifying boards, program directors, and ACGME Review Committee members for 10 specialties – anesthesia, emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopaedic surgery, physical medicine and rehabilitation, psychiatry, and surgery.

Over the course of the two-day meeting, attendees identified strategies to effectively prepare residents and fellows to confront the challenges of recognizing and treating pain and addiction through live Q and As, breakout group discussions, and pre-meeting presentations, some of which are now available in Learn at ACGME. A proceedings paper will memorialize the Congress’s deliberations. 

Questions regarding accessing the materials should be directed to de@acgme.org.